Congratulations to the Mayor – His company has doubled it’s revenue!

In 2022, the first full year that Jack Bowers was mayor, the amount the Town of Faro paid his company doubled! It’s great to see a local business doing so well!

A member of the public asked at a council meeting to see reports about how he had managed this explosive inflation beating growth. What new business had the mayor’s company gotten from the town? Reports were promised, but alas they still have not been provided months later. At the meeting, the mayor and town administration seemed perplexed – and could not provide an explanation as to why “utilities and fuel expenses” paid to the mayor’s family business had doubled.

So when you notice increased water bills or higher property taxes, you know where some of that money is going. What it’s for? Nobody seems to know.

Information sourced from the 2022 Audited Financial Statement available here:






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