Faro News and Opinion.
FaroNews.ca is moving to a new server.
Historical content will be available after the move is completed. In the meantime, please contact us if you would like to write an article or submit photos for faronews.ca.
Faro. Built and Rebuilt to Last.
In Faro, a certain level of quality is expected from contractors. Water and sewer upgrades are happening, and redundancy is being built into the systems to make them resilient in a changing world. The photo below is part of a project expected to cost around $11 million. And for that price, we’re getting a rock…
Diesel Noise, and more on the way!
You may have noticed the sound of the generators running a bit more over the last few days. Yukon Energy was doing some de-icing at Aishihik and running the diesels instead. If thermal (LNG or diesel) is needed, there is a “stacking order” and LNG is the first to get fired up. Second is Whitehorse…
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