About / Disclaimers / etc.

“Without trusted local news, residents have to rely on what folks in positions of power tell them, with no way to independently verify that or fall back on rumours and speculation. Holding power to account is especially important in small communities, where corruption and abuse can easily go unnoticed and unchecked...— Garrett Hinchey

The good and the bad of Faro, Yukon. Content has been fact checked as much as possible, but errors can occur. If you notice something wrong, please contact us.

And really, if you don’t like something, don’t take this site too seriously. Opinions may be expressed – and there may be a focus on false or deceptive information from the Town of Faro. Would one find stories about the town giving no-bid contracts to the mayor’s family business? Would there be discussion our CAO who commmutes in from his home in BC to do his best to support the mayor’s interests? Of course not! Unless of course things like that actually happen here?

Wait… Is some information from the town false or deceptive? Previous to posting anything like that, the town has been asked about whatever topic is on here, and they haven’t answered. If/when reasonable and true answers are provided, it will be noted on this site. Some sort of accountability would be nice. Until then, things will continue to be posted here. Some old, some new, some strange and all true — to the best of our abilities. Except for the parts that are satire. (See disclaimer) (But wait, this is the disclaimer) (Yes, keep reading it over and over until it says what you want it to say. That’s about how it works in Faro.)