A Sketchy Way to Sell Property.

The town has plans to sell a number of properties – and not necessarily to the higest bidder. The public is given no information on the amount the town receives for the property, and no reason why one potential buyer is chosen over another. It’s all done “in camera” / “in secret”.

Or as Larry Baran our Alberta based CAO wrote back in 2022:

“…the Town of Faro can simply sell it via RFP, which may or may not be to the highest bidder. (Important: There are some aspects of this situation that should only be discussed in camera.)”

So how does the process of selling a building work in Faro? Well, buildings may or may not be sold to this highest bidder and other than that the town wishes the process to be kept secret.

If you want to buy a property from the Town of Faro, you should ask yourself the following questions:

– Do mayor and council like you and your plans for a property?

-Do they approve of what you’ve done with properties in the past?

-Have you paid off anyone on the RFP committee – mayor and council?

(Ok, this last one is not part of the official criteria of course, but there would be a temptation to do this given that all decisions are behind closed doors. Was this discussed in camera?)







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