Faro to transfer land to the Faro Golf Club.

The minutes from the meeting on April 9, 2024 note the following:

Resolution 24-131 Fetterly, Medvid THAT Council direct Administration to proceed with the subdivision of Lot 415 as per the sketch to be transferred to the Faro Golf Club. In favor: Bowers, Fetterly, McHugh, Medvid Abstained: Nyland Carried

So it seems that the Town of Faro is going to transfer property to the Faro Golf Club to build a “permanent operating facility”.. What are the details and why?

A “Public Notice” appeared in the Yukon News with the proposed subdivision listed:

File No. 2020-60-FR30: The Town of Faro has applied for subdivision approval for a 2 Lot Subdivision of Lot 415, Plan 95-08 LTO, Town of Faro, Yukon.

Comments are accepted until September 2, 2024. Email: jesse.walchuk@yukon.ca

The notice also says that there is more information at Yukon.ca/land-planning-applications. However, as of this writing on August 27, this site says “There are no current applications.”

The map of the property that the golf club presented of the land they were requesting is here:

And here’s their letter with the request:







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