“Some folks just aren’t good at math!” (part 2)

According to Mayor Jack Bowers, some folks just aren’t good at math. Perhaps this is why the Town of Faro seems to have no idea how many people live here.

652: Mayor and council voted to use this as the official population count back in January of 2024, and used this number in the Official Community Plan, submitted in May of 2024. There has never been any documentation presented as to how they came up with this number.

589 or 453: Also in May of 2024, the town presented the results of the municipal “census” showing a permanent population of 453 (agreeing with YG) or 589 if the town’s “count” of temporary residents is included. I guess they couldn’t figure out a way to claim a population of 652 once they looked at the numbers?

Interesting that the Town of Faro would send two documents with different population numbers to YG – at the same time. If you’re going to make up numbers, they should maybe at least match?

So Jack is correct in saying “some folks just aren’t good at math.”

He said it first when claiming that the “sell” option had won the plebiscite vote about the future of the Solar Complex, despite “demolition” having received more votes. Because, uhm some folks just aren’t good at math.






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